Luciana Massironi
jewelry designer and 3D consultant
Luciana lives in Milan where she deals with jewelry design and its manufacture techniques. Born in Monza (Italy) in 1965, she decided early to enter the world of goldsmith: she graduated at “Benvenuto Cellini” Goldsmith’s Institute of Art in Valenza Po (Italy) and later she moved to Milan (Italy) to graduate in Jewelry Design at “European Institute of Design”.
Since then, she developed her creative activity through multiple contacts with jewelry manufacturers: she is now cooperating with design studios and major companies, devoting herself both to the single-piece design and to the medium-scale production, acquiring great experience, techniques and know-how skills.
Creation, design and manufacture of jewels and prototypes, both with traditional features and with experimental materials and techniques, led her to take part in two editions of the “Jewelry Trends Book” published by Word Gold Council (1990/91 and 1994/95) and to teach at the IED of Milan, department of Jewel Design (Course of “Design 1”, 1999). Mastery of 3D modeling software – she is a certified trainer – and the use of advanced technologies such as 3D printers prototyping and laser cutting makes Luciana an experienced and perfect professional woman.
Her work is characterized by the harmony and the intensity of shapes, by the refinement of colour and material combinations, by the care for detail and a technically perfect finish.
Her personal jewelry design research finds a place between tradition and innovation: she loves to move freely, to mix and experiment contemporary means of expression with historical high goldsmith techniques. Through three-dimensional modeling she shapes and builds the form/jewel reworking fascinating ancient techniques such as honeycomb open-work.
Thus the jewel becomes a bridge between past and future, the means of expression of a timeless spirit that, beyond fashion and trends, meets the personal taste of the woman who wears it. Warm and refined creations that enhance the sophisticated art of jewellery, expressing sobriety and class of the best Italian design.
In the above photo, Luciana wears a head ornament inspired by imperial jewels of central Africa of the Thirties and made for Motorola (1999).
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