PALMA Ring: Fabriano4 paper, plastic snaps fasteners Shown at the exhibition “Carta al T”; THotel, Cagliari, Italy (2010) Maquette of a ring plotter engraved and hand cut, it was part of a project that had as core purpose the use of laser cutting. The ring is the result of the bending of the cut silhouette from a flat surface material. From 2D to 3D.
PALMA Bag: Fabriano4 paper, plastic snaps fasteners, sterling silver cufflink Shown at the exhibition “Carta al T”; THotel, Cagliari, Italy (2010) Maquette of a bag plotter engraved and hand cut, it was part of a project that had as core purpose the use of laser cutting. The bag is the result of the bending of the cut silhouette from a flat surface material. From 2D to 3D.
PALMA Basket: Fabriano4 paper, plastic snaps fasteners Shown at the exhibition “Carta al T”; THotel, Cagliari, Italy (2010) Maquette of a basket plotter engraved and hand cut, it was part of a project that had as core purpose the use of laser cutting. The basket is the result of the bending of the edges of the cut silhouette from a flat surface material. From 2D to 3D.

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